About David

I set up Tilehurst Chiropractic on the Tilehurst Road, Reading in 2003. After nearly 10 years seeing Tilehurst Chiropractic expand and after outgrowing our previous location, Tilehurst Chiropractic rebranded in 2013 as the Reading Chiropractor, and we moved to our current location at the Reading Health Centre.

Should I Use Ice or Heat for My Lower Back Pain?

Do you know when to use heat and when to use ice?

Read the full article by Andrew Moeller, here: https://www.spine-health.com/blog/should-i-use-ice-or-heat-my-lower-back-pain


Ice in the first 24 to 72 hours

Generally it is best to apply cold therapy to your back in the first 24 to 72 hours following an injury, and back injuries are no different. Cold can help to reduce the inflammation and swelling caused by the injury. This in turn will reduce your pain by numbing the area through the slowing the response of the nerve endings and also decrease the tissue damage caused by the inflammation.

Cold can be applied in numerous ways: a frozen bag of vegetables (peas work well) , frozen gel packs, and ice cubes in a damp towel. Regardless of which option you choose, make sure to note the following precautions:

  • To avoid burning the area, place a towel or tea-towel between the ice and your skin.
  • Apply cold therapy for no more than 15-20 minutes at a time. You can re-apply cold therapy every hour up to 8 to 10 times per 24 hour period.


Use heat to encourage healing

After the initial swelling and inflammation has eased, applying heat therapy will encourage healing in your lower back. Heat helps to stimulates blood flow in the area of injury, thereby allowing the inflammatory mediators and damaged cells to be removed whilst bringing oxygen and nutrients to help repair the damaged tissues. Heat can also inhibit the transmission of pain signals to your brain and decrease your stiffness by helping to relax tight scar tissue in the muscles and ligaments.

At the Reading Chiropractor, we would always recommend the use of moist heat therapy, this penetrates deeper and therefore will have more of an effect to the deeper tissues of the low back. This can be achieved with a hot water bottle wrapped in a moist towel, or a nice warm bath.

If you have diabetes, an open wound, or dermatitis it is best to avoid heat therapy altogether.

Additionally, if you do suffer from extended or chronic lower back pain make sure to receive care from a qualified medical professional, such as a chiropractor at the Reading Chiropractor. Relying on self-care for too long may make your back pain worse.


To read more on the on the use of ice-packs in the relief of low-back pain https://www.spine-health.com/treatment/heat-therapy-cold-therapy/ice-packs-back-pain-relief

The 3 questions every patient should ask their doctor.


A new study shows that doctors are actually quite bad at estimating the benefit and harm associated with treatments they prescribe.

As a chiropractor I am a primary contact practitioner. This means that patients come to see me with all types of ailments, some of which are chiropractic issues (for which we can help) and others are not, which we need to be aware of and refer out.

As a result, on the initial consultation we perform a detailed medical history. I am amazed at the amount of times patients are unaware as to why they are taking certain medications or why they have had certain medical procedures performed.

We all have an individual responsibility towards OUR OWN health, and naturally this includes our healthcare.



In a systematic review of 48 studies performed in 17 countries and involving more than 13,000 clinicians, they found that doctors rarely had accurate expectations of benefits or harms. The inaccuracies were in both directions but more often, harm was underestimated and benefit overestimated. V

If highly trained doctors don’t understand their colleagues’ intentions it stands to reason that most patients feel even more hapless, caught in an endless tangle of tests and explanations but the knowledge and power asymmetry is such that it’s impossible to question the doctor, who must surely know better (if not best).


To help make better decisions with your doctor on benefit vs harm, here are three questions that every patient should ask of every new proposed drug or intervention: 


  • What are my options?

  • What are the specific benefits and harms to me?

  • What happens if I do nothing?


If patients asked these questions more often and doctors took it upon themselves to answer faithfully, medicine might yet experience a new dawn.


Read more in the article below


Manipulation in NICE guidance on low back pain and sciatica.

Picture from article courtesy at: http://www.personneltoday.com/hr/nice-updates-guidance-low-back-pain-sciatica/


NICE updates guidance on low back pain and sciatica


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published updated guidance on low back pain and sciatica, including recommending manipulation and massage with exercise in all its forms such as: stretching, strengthening, aerobics and yoga .


The guidelines also recommend encouraging people to continue with normal activities as far as possible.


Acupuncture for treating low back pain is not recommended, as current research has not shown this to be effective, however massage and manipulation with exercise is recommended.


In regards to medication, paracetamol on its own should no longer be the first option for managing low back pain. Instead, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or aspirin, should be tried first. Weak opioids, such as codeine, are now only recommended for acute back pain when NSAIDs have not worked or are not suitable.


Combined physical treatments (such as Chiropractic) and psychological or talking therapies are recommended for people who have not seen an improvement in their pain on previous treatments, or who have significant psychological and social barriers to recovery.


The updated guidance has been expanded to include people with sciatica, a painful condition typically caused by irritation or compression of the nerves that run from the lower back, through the legs and down to the feet.


Professor Mark Baker, clinical practice director for NICE, said: “Millions of people are affected every year by these often debilitating and distressing conditions. For most their symptoms improve in days or weeks. However for some, the pain can be distressing and persist for a long time.

Low back pain causes more disability than any other condition, affecting 1 in 10 people and becoming more common with increasing age.

In the UK it is estimated that low back pain is responsible for 37% of all chronic pain in men and 44% in women and the total cost of low back pain to the UK economy is reckoned to be over £12 billion per year.

Sciatica is also a relatively common condition, with estimates suggesting that as many as 40% of people will experience it at some point in their lives.


Professor Baker added: “It is possible to reduce the impact that low back pain and sciatica can have on people’s lives. The guideline continues to recommend a stepped care approach and means people whose pain or function are not improving despite initial treatment should have access to a choice of further therapies.

“Our aim with this guideline is to give clarity and set out the most clinical and cost effective ways to treat low back pain and sciatica based on the best available evidence.”


Find the original article here:


World Spine Day (WSD) is on the 16th October

16th October is World Spine Day (WSD), part of The Bone & Joint Decade Action Week and people from around the world join together to raise awareness about spinal disorders.
The theme for WSD 2016 is “Straighten Up and Move” highlighting the importance of physical activity and improving posture as part of good spinal health and prevention of injury.

Straighten up on world spine day

The Reading Chiropractor is urging people to pay attention to their posture and straighten up this World Spine Day (October 16th) by following a few simple steps.

Recent research from the British Chiropractic Association found that over half of people in the south East (52%) who have suffered from back or neck pain believe poor posture triggers it. However, having and maintaining a good posture can help to keep back pain at bay.

Many people don’t realise that a straight spine is more achievable than they think, and incorporating just a few small changes into our daily routines can make a huge difference to back health.

The Reading Chiropractor has compiled a number of simple tips to improve posture and protect against back pain.

  • Get up, stand up. Inactivity is a leading cause of back pain. If you spend most of your day sitting, make sure that you take regular breaks, ideally every 20-30 minutes. Stand up to stretch, change position and walk around a little.
  • Stretch it out. If you struggle to get away from your seat at work, simple activities such as stretching and shoulder shrugging and even simply fidgeting in your seat can all help to keep your back in line.
  • Keep moving. Exercise is key to a healthy back, however you don’t need to embark on any extreme fitness regimes. Adding just a few extra minutes of walking a day can have a huge impact on your posture.
  • Straighten Up. Try incorporating some simple exercises into your daily routine. The BCA has developed – Straighten Up UK – a series of simple exercises designed to improve posture and help prevent back pain by promoting balance, strength and flexibility in the spine. You can find these via the BCA website on www.chiropractic-uk.co.uk
  • Spot your side profile. Paying closer attention to your body’s side profile can help you recognise back or neck pain triggers. People who want to improve their posture should try imagining they have a plumb line hanging straight from their ears to ankles – with everything in the middle sitting on the same line. One way to do this is to try standing in a relaxed way and then gently contracting the abdominal muscles

BCA comments: “As modern lifestyles put increasing amounts of strain on our backs and necks it’s becoming even more important for people to take proactive measures to protect their back health.

“Prevention is always better than cure, so this World Spine Day we want to encourage people to straighten up, and incorporate simple steps into their daily routine to maintain a healthy posture. For example, people are often surprised at the positive impact that simply ensuring you take regular breaks when sitting for long periods of time, or walking regularly can have on your back.” 

For more information on how to maintain a healthy posture and avoid triggering neck and back pain, visit the BCA website at www.chiropractic-uk.co.uk.

Article thanks to the British Chiropractic Association

Carers mind your posture, care for your backs.

The Reading Chiropractor cares for carers!

By 2037, it’s anticipated that the number of carers in the UK will increase to 9 million, and three in five of us will be carers at some point in our lives.[1] For many carers physical activity such as lifting is a significant part of their daily routine. However, not all carers will be aware of their back when looking after someone.

New research from the British Chiropractic Association showed that lifting and carrying can trigger back pain for more than half (55%) of people in the South East, and this number could even be higher for those carers who are often putting additional stresses and strains on their bodies.

Although paid carers may receive training on how to protect their backs during the physical aspects of their work, many unpaid carers, of which there are 6.5 million in England and Wales[2], may not receive any training or information about back care.

To coincide with Back Care Awareness Week (5 – 9 October) The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) The Reading Chiropractor has developed the following simple tips for all carers to help them whilst they’re helping others.

back care awareness

back care awareness





Golden rules for carers

  • Think ahead – assess each situation and look for the best and easiest way to achieve the desired result, this may mean using any available equipment whether it be for specialist lifting or a simple sack barrow for moving boxes of supplies.
  • Follow the weight – always try and face the direction in which you want to carry any weight – your body is strongest when you are square on to the weight.
  • Take care when lifting – never lift while twisting from the waist.  Bend your knees, try to have a relaxed, straight back and if possible, brace your abdominal muscles. For added stability make sure that your feet are about a shoulder width or more apart before lifting.
  • Supportive shoes are essential – wear good, soft-soled shoes that are supportive and have a good grip on the ground.
  • Take regular breaks – if doing a repetitive task, take a break every 20 minutes and do some simple stretches to relax your muscles.
  • Ask for help – if in a home setting looking after a relative or friend there are many local agencies and charities who can assess and advise on what equipment or help you may need. Don’t carry on putting your body at strain. Explore all avenues of assistance. If you are provided with any equipment, make sure you are given training on how to use it.
  • Ask for training – if in a formal setting make sure you have been properly trained in good lifting techniques and on any equipment you are using.

Carers – Straighten Up

David Woodhouse from The Reading Chiropractor comments:

“Carers spend long periods of time on their feet and put a lot of strain on their bodies, from lifting and assisting the person they are caring for, to moving equipment. Even though our bodies are very well adapted to a variety of tasks, carers need to be particularly careful not to overload themselves and put their backs at risk.”

“Formal care settings should have lifting and moving equipment available and staff should always make sure that they have been trained in the proper use of all equipment. Home carers should make sure they receive home assessments for the person they are caring for as equipment can often be loaned out – this will require appropriate training for proper use.”


The Reading Chiropractor recommends a very simple three minute exercise routine entitled ‘Straighten Up UK’ from the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has developed which is really easy to incorporate into daily life to help strengthen the spine and improve posture. The exercise routine can be accessed on the BCA website here: http://bit.ly/straightenupuk

[1] https://www.carersuk.org/news-and-campaigns/press-releases/facts-and-figures, and https://carers.org/about-caring

[2] http://www.carersweek.org

Article from the British Chiropractic Association

Back Pain a growing problem for workers in the South East.

Workers in the South East slacking when it comes to back pain

Office man suffering back pain

As part of Chiropractic Awareness Week (11 – 16 April) the Reading Chiropractor is urging workers to do more to protect their backs, both in the office and at home.

New research from the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) reveals that over a quarter (28%) of workers in the South East admit to taking no proactive measures to help prevent back or neck pain. Despite this, almost one fifth (19%) of people in the region who have suffered from back or neck pain said work can trigger it, and four in ten (41%) have had to take time off work because of their pain.

The BCA found that 40% of workers in the South East who have suffered from back or neck pain said that sitting in the same position whilst working for long periods of time contributes to their pain. Additionally, those working remotely often don’t have a back-healthy set up, with almost a quarter (24%) admitting to primarily working from the sofa.

David from The Reading Chiropractor comments: “The reality of modern working lifestyles means that many more workers are often spending long days in front of a computer screen, either in the office or working remotely and not doing enough to prevent serious strain on their backs. Whilst it may be tempting to do work from your sofa or bed when working from home, poor posture means you could be putting even more strain on your spine. However the good news is there are several simple steps you can take and I would encourage all workers in the South East, particularly office workers, to follow these to minimise their risk of work-related back pain.”

David has developed these top tips to help people protect their backs wherever they are working:

  • Be computer compatible: Make sure the top of the screen is level with the eyebrows and the chair is tilted slightly forward, allowing for the knees to be lower than the hips and the feet to be flat on the floor.
  • Sit up straight: Relax when sitting into your seat, making sure you have your bottom against the seat back with your shoulder blades touching the back rest of the chair. Keep arms relaxed and close to the body and place on the desk when typing.
  • Take regular breaks: Don’t sit for more than 20-30 minutes at a time – stand up to stretch, change position and walk around a little. If you struggle to get away then take time to gently massage the back of your head and neck as this will help to improve posture and reduce back pain by promoting balance, strength and flexibility in the spine.

If working from home:

  • If possible, designate a specific area in your home for working and always work at a table, sitting on a chair, rather than on the sofa or in bed.
  • If you don’t want to invest in a computer stand, place sturdy books, for example copies of the Yellow Pages under your laptop so that you can adjust the level of the screen to fit your eye line.
  • Use a detachable keyboard and mouse whenever possible, as this will ensure that your movement is not restricted and you are not placing unnecessary strain on your back.
  • An easy way to ensure that you get away from your desk and take regular breaks is to set a loud alarm in another room. When making phone calls, take the opportunity to get up from your desk and move around as you talk
  • Embrace the privacy of working from home by doing regular stretches. The BCA has developed a series of simple exercises to improve posture and help prevent back pain. Please see the BCA website for more information: http://bit.ly/straightenup


Reading Chiropractor

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61 Castle Street



0118 9 39 40 40

 workers chiropractic back pain

The research was carried out on behalf of the British Chiropractic Association between 27/01/2016 and 02/02/2016

Rory McIlroy getting his chiropractic adjustment!

Rory McIlroy getting his chiropractic adjustment!

Another top level sportsman feeling the benefits of chiropractic care, as offered by the Reading Chiropractor. It’s all about Performance optimisation.


Rory McIlroy’s New Nike Commercial Shows Him Getting his Chiropractic treatments….Watch the video at the 43 Seconds mark.

Its Masters Week on the PGA Tour and may possibly be the biggest week in all of golf this year. Rory McIlroy’s launched his new Nike commercial on Monday and it is intense as ever! 

This short 1 minute video shows what being a professional golfer involves, including intense training, practice, physical fitness, mental fitness and a trip to your chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment is a vital part of many professional athletes regime, to help optimise performance, to aid during injuries and to maintain peak physical ability in an attempt to avoid injury.

Check out the 43 second mark….. Rory McIlroy Getting Adjusted!


The commercial’s tag-line? “The chase. If it tasted good, everyone would do it. #EnjoyTheChase”

Mcilroy Chiropractic

enjoy the chase


To help raise public perception of the profession, Zach Johnson and Jordan Spieth have individually agreed to participate in the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP’s) targeted ad campaign, “Champions of Chiropractic,” which showcases high-profile celebrities and their DCs endorsing chiropractic care. With growing evidence on the dangers of short and long-term pain medication, the chiropractic profession is the largest health provider group offering non-pharmaceutical care with a record of cost savings and high patient satisfaction scores.

read more about golf and chiropractic here: https://www.reading-chiropractor.co.uk/blog/2015/08/06/zach-johnson-2015-british-open-winner-relies-chiropractic-care-optimal-health-athletic-performance/

golfer watching a sunset

Text Neck – Dangers of children using technology

Do you know someone who is suffering with neck pain, always using modern technology, on their smartphone or tablet?

Do they complain of neck pain or have you noticed their posture changing whilst using these devices?

Could they be suffering with text neck?

Text Neck

Read more in this article below about Chiropractic and Text neck (or tech neck) symptoms, and mobile phone injuries resulting in an adolescent who overuses modern technology:

Teen Girl Was Feeling Intense Neck Pain. Her Parents Were Horrified After The Doctors Diagnosed Her.

Do you think you know of someone who maybe suffering with Text neck?

Why not send them for a chiropractic consultation to see if we can help? Follow this link to find out more: https://www.reading-chiropractor.co.uk/conditions-treated-with-chiropractic-treatment/neck-pains/

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the Reading Chiropractor could help.

  • Acute, Sub-acute and chronic Neck pain
  • Neck stiffness
  • Muscle and joint aches
  • Arthritic joint pains (osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease, wear and tear)
  • Muscle spasms and cramps
  • Neck Pain

Zach Johnson (2015 British Open winner) relies on Chiropractic Care for Optimal Health and Athletic Performance


The good health and impressive athletic performance displayed by Johnson in his 2015 victory of the British Open Golf can, in part, be attributed to the care he receives from doctors of chiropractic (DC).

“Over the years, chiropractic care has become a foundational health care element offered to amateur and professional athletes, including golfers, to help alleviate pain and prepare the body for peak athletic performance”

“Zach has been receiving chiropractic care his entire life,” states Dr. Johnson, a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, who notes that his son continues to receive regular adjustments while on and off the PGA Tour. “Throughout his professional career, Zach has relied on chiropractic to help prevent, manage and treat the wide array of injuries that athletes are susceptible to, and to help keep his body functioning at its best.”

Doctors of chiropractic are specifically trained to provide hands-on care that helps to improve range of motion, flexibility, muscle strength and other key performance factors, as well as counsel on nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices. Today, PGA Tour chiropractor Dr. Van Biezen travels with Zach Johnson and several other professional golfers, including 2015 Masters Tournament and U.S. Open winner, Jordan Spieth.

“Over the years, chiropractic care has become a foundational health care element Man swinging a golf cluboffered to amateur and professional athletes, including golfers, to help alleviate pain and prepare the body for peak athletic performance,” states Dr. Van Biezen, a graduate of Parker University. “Regular chiropractic care helps to maintain proper postural balance, reduce the risk of injury, and improve recovery time and overall health.”

To help raise public perception of the profession, Zach Johnson and Jordan Spieth have individually agreed to participate in the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP’s) targeted ad campaign, “Champions of Chiropractic,” which showcases high-profile celebrities and their DCs endorsing chiropractic care. With growing evidence on the dangers of short and long-term pain medication, the chiropractic profession is the largest health provider group offering non-pharmaceutical care with a record of cost savings and high patient satisfaction scores.

Read the full article here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150729006111/en/2015-British-Open-Victor-Zach-Johnson-Relies#.VcNakdHbI3E


Walk away your back pain: How a stroll could offer best cure

At the Reading Chiropractor we are strong believers in the benefits of short frequent simple exercise such as walking, cycling and swimming. This can help when suffering with aches and pains, but also in the prevention of such symptoms.

Read more about this in the article from the express below, and read more about why a walking workout is good for your body here: https://www.reading-chiropractor.co.uk/blog/why-a-walking-workout-is-good-for-your-body/

A SIMPLE stroll is the easiest way to beat crippling back pain, experts say


Research by the British Chiropractic Association has found that a stroll could help with back pain

 Many of us spend at least 10 hours a day sitting at a desk or lounging on a couch, leading to a “sedentary epidemic”.

Research by the British Chiropractic Association lays bare the extent of back ache among Britons.

It finds 56 per cent of people older than 55 say sitting still for too long is the biggest cause of back pain with 27 per cent admitting to daily agony.

The crisis is costing the economy billions of pounds in sick leave with 31 million working days lost last year due to back and ­muscle problems.

However, the situation is largely self-inflicted with many of us ­sitting for too long at our com­puter screens in bad posture.

The BCA says walking could be a cheap and effective cure for millions. It is less strenuous on the joints than other forms of exercise and helps maintain bone density, it says.

Even adding just a few minutes walking to daily routines ­â€” such as taking the stairs instead of the lift — could provide relief from the pain.

Chiropractor Tim Hutchful says: “As you age it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and the sooner you commit to being more active the better.

“Consider taking up a new sport that will give gentle exercise while keeping you moving and flexible or, quite simply, start walking more.”

Hitting 50 is the age when millions notice a loss of fitness and begin to put on weight, placing added pressure on the spine, joints and muscles.

 Carrying extra pounds can lead to pain in the upper, middle or lower back causing health problems.

In your sixties it is common to experience degeneration of the joints, discs and other spinal tissues with osteoarthritis affecting the back.

Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles are believed to be leading to an epidemic of back pain that has seen 2.5 million people suffer daily agony.

Complaints of back and neck pain are up 10 per cent on last year.

But simple adjustments, such as sitting correctly at work and in the car can produce relief.

Workers should also take regular breaks and stretch regularly. Drinking water instead of tea or coffee also helps by keeping the body hydrated.

The BCA advises people to walk so the heel strikes the floor first, allowing the foot to act as a shock absorber and helping to propel the person.

Back pain is now so common the BCA has devised a three-minute exercise routine that can be viewed at http://bit.ly/straightenup

Published: 22:05, Thu, May 7, 2015 By Giles Sheldrick

view the article here: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/575740/stroll-best-cure-back-pain