Welcome to our Chiropractic blog, where we post and re-post articles relating to your wellness, please select from our latest posts below to find out more.

Why Chiropractors are Essential for Athletes

As the world of sports continues to evolve, athletes are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their performance, prevent injuries, and recover faster. Among the varied healthcare professionals dedicated to supporting athletes, chiropractors play a crucial role. Below, is how … Continue reading

Causes of neck pain with headaches.

Cervicogenic Headache (CGH) CGH usually begins as a dull ache in the neck and can radiate upwards along the back of the head, almost always affecting just one side. Occipital Neuralgia Occipital Neuralgia is characterized by sharp, painful, electric-shock-like sensations … Continue reading

The Power of Stretching!

Keep Your Body Moving: The Power of Stretching! Did you know that stretching isn’t just for athletes or yogis? It’s a simple yet effective way to keep your body feeling its best every day! Here are some reasons why stretching … Continue reading

Relieving Your Pain Through Chiropractic Care

If you’re suffering from chronic or acute pain in your back, neck, joints, or muscles, then you know how debilitating it can be. Not only does it affect your physical health, but it can also have a significant impact on … Continue reading

The importance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being, commonly known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, as we can produce it in our bodies when exposed to sunlight. It is important for a … Continue reading

What is Occipital Neuralgia?

Occipital Neuralgia is a condition characterised by sharp, painful, electric-shock like sensations on the back of the head, neck or ears. Symptoms include pain behind the eye, radiating pain on one side of the head/neck/back and increased sensitivity of the … Continue reading

Headache relief through Chiropractic care

Finding effective relief from chronic pain can be a long and frustrating journey. While medication might provide temporary relief, it often fails to address the underlying causes or long-term solutions. Here is where chiropractic care truly shines. With its holistic … Continue reading

How to relieve Piriformis Syndrome pain

Piriformis Syndrome – a condition in which the piriformis muscle, located deep in the buttock, spasms and causes buttock pain. This can also irritate the nearby sciatic nerve and cause symptoms similar to sciatica   The classic symptoms include sharp, … Continue reading

How to combat back pain, aches and strains at work

Nearly 73% of British people struggle with back pain on a regular basis  To help empower the British public to help relieve their back pain, aches and strains, here are some quick tips, tricks and hacks for you to add … Continue reading

Keep Moving To Reduce Spine Pain When Sitting At Work

Study on office workers states that you should keep moving to reduce spine pain when sitting at work. A recent study has shown that postural shifting may be helpful in reducing neck and back discomfort. This study compared 3 different … Continue reading

Have you been suffering from elbow pain?

Chiropractic care could be the answer to you in finding the solution to effectively treat various conditions related to elbow pain. Tennis elbow – Also known as ‘lateral epicondylitis’ is a common condition characterised by pain and inflammation on the … Continue reading

Have you been suffering with headaches?

Chiropractic care can be an effective relief for headaches, migraines, dizziness and vertigo by using a holistic approach chiropractors show remarkable results in treating things conditions. – Headaches: whether its tension headaches from stress of sinus headaches caused by allergies, … Continue reading

Have you been suffering with mid back pain?

Mid back pain can be a challenging condition to manage, but chiropractic treatment can help to alleviate your pain and promote overall wellness. Chiropractic adjustments are a natural treatment option which can provide a range of benefits for individuals experiencing … Continue reading

Relieving Your Pain Through Chiropractic Care

If you’re suffering from chronic or acute pain in your back, neck, joints, or muscles, then you know how debilitating it can be. Not only does it affect your physical health, but it can also have a significant impact on … Continue reading

Have you been experiencing elbow pain?

Do you have elbow pain that makes it hard to do the things you love such as gardening, exercise or even daily activities? Chiropractic care is a natural and effective way to treat your elbow pain. Here are some key … Continue reading

Do you suffer from lower back pain?

Do you suffer from lower back pain? Is there something causing this discomfort? The chiropractic approach to treating pelvic and hip pain may be the answer to your questions? How does a chiropractor treat pelvic or hip pain? Learn more … Continue reading

Reading Chiropractor Philosophy

Our chiropractic philosophy is to help our patients achieve the optimum level of spinal health, providing treatment of the highest quality, in a comfortable and sympathetic environment. We aim to ease your pain and increase your movement using safe, quick … Continue reading

Your posture is important!

  Do you suffer with repetitive back pain and struggle get some relief? Do you wonder which exercises are the right type of exercises you need to do for your type of back pain?   Your Posture is important! Having … Continue reading

Covid-19 Coronavirus – Clinic Reopening

As you are aware, following the outbreak of Corona Virus, we were instructed by our professional association to cease all face to face appointments as of immediate effect. Thereby reducing the risk to you (the patient) and to us at … Continue reading

Covid-19 – Coronavirus Closure of the Clinic

Due to the ongoing situation with Corona Virus, we have been instructed by our professional association to cease all face to face appointments as of immediate effect. As such, any of your existing appointments with us have been cancelled, and … Continue reading

70% of van drivers suffer with back pain, costing the UK £21 billion.

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/two-thirds-van-drivers-take-14209570 VW Reveals UK’S £21 Billion ‘Builder’s Back’ Bill – British Chiropractic Association, Posted on 2nd Apr 2019 by BCA •    Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles reveals 70% of van drivers suffer from back pain•    Van drivers take an average of three … Continue reading

Should I Use Ice or Heat for My Lower Back Pain?

Do you know when to use heat and when to use ice? Cold and heat can both provide effective relief from injuries but do you know which to use and when to use it? Read the full article by Andrew … Continue reading

The 3 questions every patient should ask their doctor.

  A new study shows that doctors are actually quite bad at estimating the benefit and harm associated with treatments they prescribe. As a chiropractor I am a primary contact practitioner. This means that patients come to see me with … Continue reading

Manipulation in NICE guidance on low back pain and sciatica.

  Picture from article courtesy at: http://www.personneltoday.com/hr/nice-updates-guidance-low-back-pain-sciatica/   NICE updates guidance on low back pain and sciatica    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published updated guidance on low back pain and sciatica, including recommending manipulation … Continue reading

World Spine Day (WSD) is on the 16th October

16th October is World Spine Day (WSD), part of The Bone & Joint Decade Action Week and people from around the world join together to raise awareness about spinal disorders. The theme for WSD 2016 is “Straighten Up and Move” … Continue reading

Carers mind your posture, care for your backs.

The Reading Chiropractor cares for carers! By 2037, it’s anticipated that the number of carers in the UK will increase to 9 million, and three in five of us will be carers at some point in our lives.[1] For many … Continue reading

Back Pain a growing problem for workers in the South East.

Workers in the South East slacking when it comes to back pain As part of Chiropractic Awareness Week (11 – 16 April) the Reading Chiropractor is urging workers to do more to protect their backs, both in the office and … Continue reading

Rory McIlroy getting his chiropractic adjustment!

Another top level sportsman feeling the benefits of chiropractic care, as offered by the Reading Chiropractor. It’s all about Performance optimisation.   Rory McIlroy’s New Nike Commercial Shows Him Getting his Chiropractic treatments….Watch the video at the 43 Seconds mark. … Continue reading

Text Neck – Dangers of children using technology

Do you know someone who is suffering with neck pain, always using modern technology, on their smartphone or tablet? Do they complain of neck pain or have you noticed their posture changing whilst using these devices? Could they be suffering … Continue reading

Zach Johnson (2015 British Open winner) relies on Chiropractic Care for Optimal Health and Athletic Performance

  The good health and impressive athletic performance displayed by Johnson in his 2015 victory of the British Open Golf can, in part, be attributed to the care he receives from doctors of chiropractic (DC). “Over the years, chiropractic careContinue reading

Walk away your back pain: How a stroll could offer best cure

At the Reading Chiropractor we are strong believers in the benefits of short frequent simple exercise such as walking, cycling and swimming. This can help when suffering with aches and pains, but also in the prevention of such symptoms. Read … Continue reading

Back pain soars among young people because they are sitting down for too long

People of all ages can be affected by symptoms of neck and back pain, and due to an increase in sedentary lifestyles and decreased exercise, it would appear that aches and pains are on the increase, especially amongst younger people. … Continue reading

World Spine Day, Thursday 16th October 2014!

Welcome to World Spine Day! Every year on October 16th people from around the world join together to raise awareness on World Spine Day as part of the Bone and Joint Decade’s Action Week.  The @World_Spine_Day (WSD) theme for 2014 … Continue reading

BackCare Awareness Week. 6th-12th October 2014!

BackCare Awareness Week 6th-12th October 2014           Backcare awareness week is a campaign to put the spotlight on prevention of back and neck pain, spreading the word on ‘good posture’ and ‘stress free’ living for a … Continue reading

Even Doctor Who needs his own chiropractor!

Doctor Who starts again this weekend and sees a new Doctor for the new season. Read the article below (published in the telegraph) how the BBC has a chiropractor on standby for oldest Doctor Who.   Peter Capaldi, 56, reveals … Continue reading

Paracetamol for low back pain ‘no better than placebo’

At the Reading Chiropractor the most common complaint is low back pain. Low back pain responds well to chiropractic treatment, click here for more information on Low back pain, treatment and testimonials at the Reading Chiropractor: https://www.reading-chiropractor.co.uk/conditions-treated-with-chiropractic-treatment/back-pain-treated-chiropractic-care/ Paracetamol for low … Continue reading

Chiropractic treatment can help for the treatment of low back pain in pregnancy!

The Reading Chiropractor can help with low back pain in pregnancy! It is a common misnomer that low-back pain is normal during pregnancy, however this is not the case. Often underlying problems will lead to pains around the low-back, pelvis … Continue reading

Why a walking workout is good for your body.

At the Reading Chiropractor we are strong believers in helping you to help in getting yourself better. Advice is key in all that we do, and we often recommend walking as a great form of exercise. It helps by: maintaining … Continue reading

Chiropractors don’t just treat low-back pain and neck pain!

Chiropractors don’t just treat patients with low-back and neck pain, they can help with all sorts of conditions. To find out more click here:  http://ow.ly/xSNLP Effectiveness of manual therapies: the UK evidence report Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2010, 18:3 A recent … Continue reading

Chiropractic Care for Back Pain, Neck pain, Headaches, Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia

Interesting article from the WebMD website. Among people seeking back pain relief alternatives, most choose chiropractic treatment. About 22 million Americans visit chiropractors annually. Of these, 7.7 million, or 35%, are seeking relief from back pain from various causes, including … Continue reading

Teenagers suffer neck and back pain because they spend too long hunched over iPads and phones.

At the reading Chiropractor, we try and offer postural and ergonomic advice to help try and avoid problems.   Correct posture is important for children as well as in adults. Due to the use of handheld devices: tablets, mobile phones … Continue reading

14th-18th April 2014 its CHIROPRACTIC AWARENESS WEEK

  14th-18th April 2014 its CHIROPRACTIC AWARENESS WEEK! Keep an eye out for more information in the press on the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on young people!   http://www.chiropractic-uk.co.uk/chiropractic-awareness-week-227-news.aspx

New Research to show the immediate effects of the chiropractic adjustment on MRI.

New research shows the immediate effect of a chiropractic adjustment on the facet (or  Zygapophysial joint) on MRI. Watch this video which explains all. http://www.chironexus.net/2013/07/chiropractic-adjustments-produce-immediate-results-visible-on-mri-video/   Reference Cramer GD, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging zygaphosphyseal joint space changes (gapping) in … Continue reading

Is back, neck and muscle pain hurting the UK economy?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-26338889 Is back, neck and muscle pain hurting the UK economy? By Joe Miller, Business Reporter About 44 million workers in the EU have musculoskeletal disorders caused by their workplace Continue reading the main story The UK economy is slowly … Continue reading

Keep in touch…

To keep in touch please follow us… LINKEDIN: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-woodhouse/8b/281/11b FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Readingchiropractor

Leonardo DiCaprio needed a chiropractor after filming The Wolf Of Wall Street.

Everyone needs a Chiropractor from time to time. Leonardo DiCaprio needed a chiropractor after filming The Wolf Of Wall Street. Read the article form the Daily Mail here. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2536436/Leonardo-DiCaprio-left-needing-chiropractor-crawling-floor-incredibly-painful-Wolf-Wall-Street-scene.html  


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Are you thinking of starting the new year with a visit to the chiropractor and are not sure what to expect? If so, have a look at this video provided by the British Chiropractic association, then call … Continue reading

Reading Chiropractor New website launched!

Our new website The Reading Chiropractor new website. Welcome to our new website, which We have just launched. Please have a good look through and feel free to give feedback. If there is anything missing, anything you would like to … Continue reading

We have moved into new premises

TILEHURST CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE has moved, after nearly 10 years at Castle Hill Clinic, 1C Tilehurst road. Along with the move we have rebranded, and are now called THE READING CHIROPRACTOR. The Reading Chiropractor is now located at the READING HEALTH CENTRE, … Continue reading